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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria
High School

More in this Section

Y9 Drama

Head of Department
Mr M Vogler

Organisation of the subject:

Students have 2x 50 minute lessons a week.

Key Concepts (The big ideas underpinning the subject)

In Year 9 students begin to examine world theatre and how it has influenced our own culture.  Students also learn about how Drama is used to explore issues and ideas.  There is a greater emphasis on performing to a live audience.  Students will be taught how to discuss their work using more sophisticated technical vocabulary in readiness for the GCSE course in Year 10.

What will your child be learning? 

By Year 9, it is expected that students have substantially developed their knowledge of all aspects of Drama taught in Year 7 and 8, but that they will also have knowledge of:

  • Forum-theatre, dramatic structure(exposition, complication, climax, dénouement, conclusion), Commedia del L’Arte, K, pantomime, mask theatre, political theatre, puppet theatre, shadow play, staging and theatre spaces, blocking, Shakespearian text and language. Aspects of tragedy such as hubris, peripetia, catharsis, hamartia. Soliloquy, monologue. Stylised theatre, protagonist, antagonist, anti-hero, aside, dramatic irony, prologue, fourth wall, tempo, and vocal skills such as inflection, register and intonation. 

Key 'Learning Capacities' in this subject 

  • The skills to work collaboratively with others to create new ideas and explore and evaluate a variety of Drama texts.
  • Develop a sense of confidence to interact with and be noticed for the right reasons.
  • The development of social skills such as offering ideas, sharing thoughts to overcome problems and listening to others.
  • The application of Drama techniques to shape and enhance performance work.

How will your child be learning? 

  • Paired and group work to devise and shape a variety of Drama work.
  • Whole class discussion and evaluations.
  • Individual teacher/student learning conversations.

How will learning be assessed? 

  • Half termly assessments through small scale class exposition work to assess performance skills.
  • Learning conversations during lessons (recorded in exercise books) on how your child’s work is being refined and developed through the rehearsal process and what they can do to improve.

What can you do to support your child? 

  • Speak to your child about what they have been learning.
  • Encourage them to take part in extracurricular Drama clubs in and out of school.
  • Encourage your child to experience some live theatre.

Equipment needed for this subject 

  • Pen, pencil, planner and exercise book.

Extra-Curricular/Enrichment Opportunities 

  • UVHS hosts a vast range of extracurricular theatre clubs and opportunities to take part in Drama outside the classroom.
  • Regular theatre trips across the North-West and beyond to see the best in theatre and musical drama.