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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria
High School

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2024 Intake - Important Info

We are looking forward to welcoming our new intake of Year 12 students to Ulverston Victoria Sixth Form in September. 

Below you will find important information and links to forms that require completion as part of our enrolment process:

Year 12 Data Collection Form
Year 12 Work & Photographic Consent

Please see the details of the Ulverston Victoria High School Sixth Form home-school agreement below:


Full time attendance and punctuality are expected of all students. Students are expected to register every day with the Form Tutor at 8:50am and at 1:30pm. 

  • Absences – Students need to bring a letter signed by a parent when they return to Sixth Form explaining their absence.  Alternatively, parents (not students) may telephone or e-mail confirmation of absence.
  • Medical Appointments – A note from parents or the appointment letter needs to be shown to the Form Tutor.
  • Known absences - When an absence is known in advance (e.g. interview, open day visits etc) a ‘Sixth form leave of Absence during Term Time’ form needs to be completed and is to be obtained from, and returned to, Reception.

We feel it is in your interest to closely monitor your attendance because we want you to make the best use of your time at the Sixth Form.  If your attendance drops below 90%, in any of your subjects or you have been absent for 2 or more days without any formal contact and good reason, we will contact home.

We always aim to support students through their studies. However if we feel they aren’t attending properly, underperforming compared to target grades and/or have fallen behind in their work we reserve the right to:

  • Ask them to attend the Academic Progress Group
  • Put the student on the steps of the subject contract
  • Ask you to pay for their exams
  • Withdraw the student from an exam altogether
  • Ask the student to leave the Sixth Form


We discourage students taking time off in term time.  If it is unavoidable, you should complete an ‘Extended Leave of Absence during Term Time’ form. Permission is given at the discretion of Mr Rastelli/Mr Hardwick.


Smoking is not allowed on or within proximity of the school site.


Possession of alcohol on school premises and drinking of alcohol during the school day is not permitted.  If alcohol is found on any student then they may be asked to leave the Sixth Form.

Illegal drugs/Harmful substances 

Possession, use or supplying illegal drugs/harmful substances is unacceptable.  Appropriate action will be taken if it is thought that an offence has been committed. Students may also be asked to leave the Sixth Form.


Students are only allowed to park in Woodgarth car park if they have filled in and had a sixth form parking permit authorised and must drive responsibly at all times.  Any infringement will result in this privilege being withdrawn.


Sixth Formers are expected to have high standards of behaviour at all times and to set a good example to younger students.  Poor behaviour may result in a student being asked to leave the Sixth Form.

Dress (including Dress Code) 

Sixth Form students at UVHS are role models for younger pupils, whom they will come in to contact with throughout the school day. Therefore, the dress code, while allowing Sixth Formers to express themselves as individuals, emphasises the need for suitable attire; for this reason, very short, tight or revealing clothing is deemed inappropriate. In addition, in interpreting these guidelines Sixth Form students should ensure their overall appearance is in keeping with the working environment of a school which holds high standards of all students.

Dress code expectations

  • No revealing tops (for example low cut or showing bare midriff)
  • Shorts and skirts should be mid-thigh length at the shortest
  • One, small discreet nose stud may be worn
  • No offensive slogans
  • No very torn/ripped jeans
  • No hats in school buildings
  • No outdoor coats to be worn in lessons
  • Sensible footwear (eg no flip flops and also no open toed shoes in practical lessons)
  • No extreme hair colours or hairstyles

The decision as to whether clothing is deemed appropriate will rest with senior staff in the school and students who are inappropriately dressed may be asked to go home and change.


Students are expected to adhere to the school’s ICT acceptable use policy and not to abuse resources on offer.

Sixth Form Security 

Students are expected to wear their Sixth Form Student ID lanyard at all times whilst on the school premises. There is a charge for replacement lanyards so students should look after theirs once they have been issued with it.

Home-School Agreement 

The Sixth Form represents a major transitional period in your lives during which you need to develop and make progress as you move towards adulthood.  This can be a demanding time, as you are not only expected to gain academic qualifications but also show yourself to be reliable, develop new skills and take increasing responsibility for your own learning.  We aim to ensure that you are aware of what is expected of you.  To help you achieve your full potential in the Sixth Form, we have developed this agreement in conjunction with the school and students and ask for your parents to support us in this.

UVHS Sixth Form: Parents and students can expect:

  • Good teaching in a safe, supportive environment 
  • To be listened to
  • Arrive to lessons on time
  • Students to be informed of a known absence in advance and appropriate work to be left
  • Clear deadlines for work to be completed
  • Marked and constructive feedback to be given on assignments/homework within a reasonable time period 
  • Suitable study areas to be provided
  • Textbooks and other suitable learning resources to be provided
  • Parents to be informed of any unexplained student absence 
  • Parents to be informed of any concern/problems regarding the student
  • Opportunities to be provided for students to participate in Sixth Form enrichment/extracurricular activities
  • A tutorial programme and careers advice to be made available along with access to a learning mentor

Students: We expect students to:

  • Always work to the best of your ability
  • Ask for help when you need it
  • Tell us when you have a problem
  • Listen to and act upon advice
  • Arrive to all lessons on time
  • Attend all lessons, tutorial periods and assemblies
  • Be organised for every lesson
  • Inform the school on the same day of an absence
  • Not take holidays during term-time**
  • Complete work on time and meet deadline dates
  • Commit the required amount of independent study to each subject each week
  • Limit part-time working hours so as to not interfere with Sixth Form studies
  • Make effective use of study time
  • Respect all Sixth Form facilities
  • Be a positive role model to younger members of the school
  • Take part in at least one enrichment activity
  • Return all school-issued books in good condition
  • Agree to parental notification of student absences
  • Ensure, as far as possible, that all students’ routine appointments (e.g. dental/GP) and driving lessons are taken outside of teaching time

Parents: We expect parents to:

  • Support students through their studies
  • Attend parents’ evenings
  • Keep school informed of any problems which may affect student progress
  • Inform the school of any absence on the first day of absence*
  • Not take holidays during school time**
  • Ensure, as far as possible, that all students’ routine appointments (e.g. dental/GP) and driving lessons are taken outside of teaching time
  • Agree to support the Sixth Form should a student’s unauthorised absences accumulate.
  • Provide supporting evidence for student illness/appointments etc