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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria
High School

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  • 18/12/17

    Christmas Newsletter

    Christmas Newsletter is now available
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  • 18/12/17

    Y10 Hospitality in the Local Community

    “Friday 15th didn’t just see UVHS take part in Christmas Jumper day, but also Y10 BTEC Hospitality students were helping support the local community.
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  • 18/12/17

    Christmas Hampers for Food Bank

    UVHS have continued to grow their relationship with the local Food Banks this year.
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  • 18/12/17

    Christmas Fair

    The UVHS School Parliament are pleased to announce that the Christmas Fayre held on 12th December 2017 was a huge success, raising over £1,610 for charity!
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  • 14/12/17

    Future Chef - District Round

    On Monday 4th December, Mr Hall and two students (Sophie Y10, and Braedon Y8) attended Kendal College for the district round of the Springboard Future Chef Competition.
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  • 15/11/17

    Meet Our New Guide Dog

    UVHS are pleased to introduce you to our new guide dog Victor.
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  • 14/11/17

    Restaurant UVHS

    Aroma Catering (a charity founded by Mr Hall) created Restaurant UVHS on Friday 10th November. UPDATE:  Students Jamie, Niamh and Mr Hall were interviewed by Radio Cumbria - to listen to the interview please click INTERVIEW which is available for 30 days from 20th November.
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  • 03/11/17

    Future Chef 2017

    Before half term UVHS students took part in the school heat of Future Chef.
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  • 30/10/17

    Lord of the Flies Production

    UVHS Drama department put on a production of Lord of the Flies
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  • 18/10/17

    Y9 Battlefields TripĀ 

    Students from Y9 are currently in Belgium for the History and English Great War Battlefields trip.  After departing early on Sunday 15th October we are expecting them to return late Wednesday 18th October. 
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  • 16/10/17

    Orienteering Success

    The orienteers travelled to Rother Valley Country Park near Sheffield on Saturday 14th October to compete in the British Schools Score Championships.
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  • 16/10/17

    Gold Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition

    18 Year 12 students along with Mr Gannon, Mrs Anderson and Miss Monigatti, braved the October elements to go on a two day practice expedition for their assessed expedition in the Summer.
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