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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria
High School

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  • 17/04/20

    Inspira - Free Online Careers Guidance

    For a useful link to free online careers guidance provided by Inspira for all Year 11 and 13 students, click here:
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  • 03/04/20

    The Parents' Guide to: Coping with School Closures

    The Parents' Guide to website have released a guide for coping with school closures due to the coronavirus. 
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  • 26/03/20

    Think u know - Helpful Resources

    The Education Team at NCA-CEOP is developing a new support package to help you through the coming weeks and months. 
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  • 23/03/20

    Microsoft Teams

    For the latest information regarding Microsoft Teams, please see our Teams page.
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  • 17/03/20

    School Closure Notice

    Unfortunately UVHS is currently closed to most pupils, although those of key workers have returned on 1st June. Please see the letter below for parents requiring childcare. The government has stated their intention to open schools for some face to face contact for Year 10...
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  • 17/03/20

    The Rotary Young Chef Competition - Winner

    In what is a bit of a rubbish week for news, I just thought I’d share a success story! 
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  • 10/03/20

    Y10 Work Experience

    Last week our Year 10 students spent time in a variety of different businesses in the local area. Their goal was to experience what it’s like being in a working environment, as well as exploring their interests.
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  • 07/02/20

    Rotary Young Chef Competition

    A massive congratulations to Ewan for his amazing efforts on Thursday at The Lakes School.
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  • 04/02/20

    Furness Schools Dance Talent Show

    On Friday UVHS pupils took part in the Furness Schools Dance Talent Show held at UVHS. They have worked so hard on their own choreographies and all performed brilliantly on the night! It was a great opportunity for the kids to showcase their own choreographies against other schools in the Furness ar...
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  • 30/01/20

    UVHS Law Blog - Law Society Talk from HHJ Jefferies QC

    In early January HHJ Jefferies QC came to UVHS to speak to the Law Society. Click here to read our latest blog about this visit. 
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  • 23/01/20

    Christmas Jumper Day 2019 - Total Raised

    We are pleased to announce that the UVHS Christmas Jumper day in December raised £1039.65 for Save The Children.
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  • 15/01/20

    Healthy Active Lifestyle Term

    During January and February the PE Department are running a Healthy Active Lifestyle Term.
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