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Further Mathematics

Entry Requirements

Students should have at least a grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics.

Courses Content

This A level course may be taken in addition to the Mathematics GCE Advanced Level. It is suited to those with a passionate interest in Mathematics and who are likely to study a course of a mathematical nature beyond A level. This might be any branch of Mathematics or a degree in physics, engineering or economics. Top flight universities will o en only consider students who have studied Further Mathematics for a place on these courses.

At A level, the topics are from Further Pure Mathematics and two additional Mechanics units.

Further Pure Maths covers complex numbers and matrices as well as further developing skills in trigonometry, calculus and polynomial equations, proof including induction, further integration and hyperbolic functions, diļ¬€erential equations, plus some polar co-ordinates and co-ordinate geometry.

Mechanics allows you to describe mathematically the motion of objects.



Internal Exams in Year 12 % of Assessment
Paper 1 – 1.5 hours     50%
Paper 2 – 1.5 hours     50%
A Level Units in Year 13   % of A Level
Paper 1 – 1.5 hours 25%
Paper 2 – 1.5 hours 25%
Paper 3 – 1.5 hours 25%
Paper 4 – 1.5 hours 25%


Career opportunities are many and varied: accountancy, actuarial work, architecture, astronomy, banking, building societies, computing, economics, engineering, hospital administration, insurance, market research, quantity surveying and teaching.

Contact Dr Wilkin