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Medical Forms

If you have informed us that your child has a health need, we need to ensure that the correct support is in place for your child. To do this, we require you to complete an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) form, along with a medicine form.

Medicine Administering & Individual Health Care Plan Form

Important Information

  • Where possible, it is preferable for medicines to be prescribed in frequencies that allow the pupil to take them outside of school hours.
  • If this is not possible, prior to staff members administering any medication, the parents/carers of the child must complete and sign a parental agreement for a school to administer medicine form.
  • No child will be given any prescription or non-prescription medicines without written parental consent except in exceptional or emergency circumstances.
  • Where a pupil is prescribed medication without their parents’/carers’ knowledge, every effort will be made to encourage the pupil to involve their parents while respecting their right to confidentiality.
  • No child under 16 years of age will be given medication containing aspirin without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Medicines MUST be in date, labelled, and provided in the original container (except in the case of insulin which may come in a pen or pump) with dosage instructions. Medicines which do not meet these criteria will not be administered.
  • A maximum of four weeks supply of the medication may be provided to the school at one time.
  • Any medications left over at the end of the course will be returned to the child’s parent or disposed of at a local pharmacy.

Please always inform school of any changes to medication, and please update your child’s Individual Health Care Plan annually.

(Please also inform school if your child no longer has a medical condition.)