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Year 7 Curriculum

Courses offered in Year 7:

Year 7 curriculum split

  • Maths is set from October Half Term.

  • English has one high aptitude group and a number of mixed ability groups in each half year group.

  • The remaining subjects are taught in mixed ability forms.

  • Technology is a carousel of the Food & Nutrition, Textiles and Technology.

  • This curriculum is designed to be broad, yet give adequate time for EBacc subjects.

  • Special literacy and numeracy withdrawal sessions remove small groups of children from some subjects.

If you require any further information on the curriculum we offer then please contact Mr Nayler (Assistant Headteacher) 01229 483900 or email

Recommended Guides 

KS3 recommended books.

Please talk to your child's Science teacher regarding the suitability of the higher or foundation guides.

Also included in this list are optional KS3 resources.

Click here for a list of the recommended guides.