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Y11 Science

Head of Department
Mrs R Hodgson

GCSE Combined Science - Exam Board AQA
GCSE Separate Science - Exam Board AQA

At UVHS we believe that Science has something to offer every student. From a trainee chef to a nuclear physicist, a construction apprentice to a cancer researcher, everyone needs some level of relevant science understanding. The GCSE Science options that are available to students have changed again under the direction of the DfE and Ofqual, and we hope to offer Key Stage 4 (KS4) qualifications, to suit students of all abilities and all aspirations. Students will have started covering key concepts during Year 9 to prepare them for the step to GCSE. All Science courses will cover aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The new style GCSEs are being 100% examined, there are no coursework elements. All of the written GCSE exams for Science will be at the end of Year 11. The A* to G grades will be replaced by 9 to 1. There are two pathways available to students in Science.

Combined Science 

This course is for students who would benefit from an underpinning Science curriculum. This forms part of a student’s core curriculum. Students have specialist Science teachers and 6 lessons of Science per week.

Changes from DfE and Ofqual—Exams 100%

Combined Science will have a 17 point grading scale, from 9–9, 9–8 through to 2–1,
1–1. This replaces grades A*-G that you may be familiar with.

As practical work is at the heart of Science, students will conduct 16 required practicals, that will be examined in the final exam. Good attendance is therefore essential.


Six papers: two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics. Each will assess different topics.

Duration: all the papers are 1 hour 15 minutes each.

Tiers: Foundation and Higher.

Weighting: the papers are equally weighted. Each is worth 16.7% of the grade and has 70 marks.

Question types: multiple choice, structured, closed, short answer and open response.

Question types: multiple choice, structured, closed, short answer and open response.

Combined Science GCSE content

Biology Chemistry Physics
Cell Biology

Atomic Structure

& Periodic Table 


Bonding, Structure & Properties of Matter

Infection & Response Quantitative Chemistry Waves
Bioenergetics Chemical Changes Electricity
Homeostasis & Response Energy Changes Magnetism & Electromagnetism
Inheritance, Variation & Evolution

The Rate & Extent of Chemical


Particle Model of Matter
Ecology Organic Chemistry Atomic Structure
  Chemical Analysis  
  Chemistry of the Atmosphere  
  Using Resources  

Separate Science 

Biology, Chemistry and Physics

This extra option is available for students to take on top of the core Science curriculum; in order to boost their progression to A-level and science related careers. Students will use their core and one option lesson time to study for three separate GCSEs in Science. We strongly advise that any student wishing and capable of Science study beyond GCSE should take this option to give them the best possible foundation.   Students will have in total 9 Science lessons per week and will have specialist subject teachers for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students will need to achieve at least a grade 6 in Year 9 Science to show that they are capable of meeting the demands of this subject and at least a grade 6 in Maths. This is because the new Physics GCSE has 30% of questions which will require mathematical demand.

It is essential that students conduct 8 required practicals for each of the three GCSEs, which will be assessed in the final exams (15% of questions will be on required practicals). Good attendance to school is therefore essential. 

Exams for each of the Separate Science GCSEs—Exams 100%

Two papers: each paper will assess different topics.

Duration: both papers are 1 hour 45 minutes.

Tiers: Foundation and Higher.

Weighting: the papers are equally weighted. Each is worth 50% of the grade and has 100 marks available.

Question types: multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response.

For more information please contact Mrs Hodgson at