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Y9 Computing

Head of Department

Mr J Evason

Organisation of the subject:

Learners 2 X 50mins lessons in Computing. Group sizes range from 20 to 32.

Key Concepts (The big ideas underpinning the subject)

  • Understand how to stay safe online
  • Understand how spreadsheets are used and the importance of data handling, using databases and SQL.
  • Understand algorithms and how to create programs
  • Understand Binary/Hexidecimal number systems and coding
  • Understand coding behind software.
  • Understand the technology hardware/software used every day
  • Understand the history of computer development and technology
  • Identify the uses of ICT/Computing in the outside world.

What will your child be learning? 

  • PYTHON - This unit teaches the pupils the basics of programming using Python. They create a variety of coded solutions to simple problems and use variables, data types, If statements, advanced If statements and loops. This unit helps the pupils learn about computational thinking skills and planning code and is the perfect introduction to more advanced programming and builds on what they learnt in Scratch.
  • Networks - This unit teaches pupils about networks. They look at network topologies, the hardware and software needed in a network, system tools such as PING and IPCONFIG and what a network administrator does. They also learn about the Internet and dangers which can be transmitted over a network such as viruses, Trojan horses and worms.
  • CPU/Memory - In this unit pupils will learn about the CPU, ALU, the fetch-decode-execute cycle, RAM, ROM, input, output and secondary storage devices.

Key 'Learning Capacities' in this subject 

  • Be able to work both independently and collaboratively
  • Develop the confidence to ask for help and answer questions in classroom
  • Be able to experiment and ‘play’ to discover new ways of working
  • Inspire students curiosity to learn more about the technological world around them
  • Persevere with more challenging work
  • Apply techniques learned in previous year and other subjects.

How will your child be learning? 

  • Highly practical lessons
  • Think for themselves using reason and logic
  • Paired work and group work
  • Individual teacher assistance
  • Learner discussion/ experimentation

How will learning be assessed? 

  • A summative test taken in lesson time at the end of every topic either online or paper based
  • One formal exam
  • Formative assessment of homework and classwork
  • Online assessments

What can you do to support your child? 

  • Speak to them about what they have been doing in their lessons
  • Help with homework and encourage them to learn
  • Consider downloading Freeware software such as KODU/ Scratch/ Python/ Sploder and Microsoft Office from UVHS website

Equipment needed for this subject 

  • Pens, pencils, rubbers, ruler, calculator, earphones, pen drive.

Extra-Curricular/Enrichment Opportunities 

Governor Link - Mr David Heffernan