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Head of Department
Miss M Dixon

Organisation of the subject:

In Design and Technology students have a double lesson each week throughout the year.

Key Concepts (The big ideas underpinning the subject)

  • Learn the common applications of materials and their properties.
  • To use the iterative design process to carry out research, ideas, development, modelling, manufacturing testing and evaluation.
  • Learn to work correctly and safely with a range of tools and equipment.
  • Learn a range of electronic and mechanical principles used in everyday applications.

Storage & Desk Lamp Project 



What will your child be learning? 

  • To understand and use electronic components to a manufacture a desk top light.
  • To manufacture, assemble and add a finish to all parts of a desk light.
  • To use graphic design software to design  the graphics for the light shade and base.
  • To use CAD to design a small ID tag and use pewter casting to manufacture a quality outcome.
  • To use the steam bending process to manufacture a bangle
  • To select and use specialist tools, techniques, processes, equipment and machinery precisely, including computer-aided manufacture to help design and make a plug phone holder.
  • To communicate design ideas using annotated sketches, detailed plans, 3-D and mathematical modelling, oral and digital presentations and computer-based tools.

Key 'Learning Capacities' in this subject 

  • Learn to identify and use a range of appropriate practical processes and techniques including Computer Aided Design software and Computer Numerically Controlled machinery.
  • Learn to problem solve, quality check and persevere with difficult tasks.
  • Learn to think creatively and develop ideas into working concepts.
  • Learn the practical application of principles learnt in Maths and Science.

How will your child be learning? 

  • Practical manufacturing tasks.
  • Investigation, development and modelling.
  • Practical demonstrations and video tutorials to help them learn at their own pace
  • Working in groups, pairs and as individuals to develop concepts and present their ideas.

How will learning be assessed? 

  • We will take design ability and practical skills into account.
  • Formative written assessment of classwork and homework.
  • Ongoing verbal and written assessment of practical tasks against set criteria.

What can you do to support your child? 

  • Support with homework, especially research tasks.
  • Discuss learning and practical work with your child to help reinforce tool names and processes.
  • Encourage learning through making mistakes and persevering to solve the problems they encounter.

Equipment needed for this subject 

  • Pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, pencil sharpener, coloured pencils.
  • Workshop cotton apron.

Extra-Curricular/Enrichment Opportunities 

  • Engineering Club
  • Big Bang Fair and other STEM visits and competitions throughout the year