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Head Girls PE
Miss McKenny

Head of Boys PE
Mr Pierce

Organisation of the subject:

Students have 2 x 50 minute lessons per week.

Key Concepts (The big ideas underpinning the subject)

  • Outwitting an opponent; using a range of tactics and strategies to outwit opponents, through individual and team games.
  • Developing skills and improving performance.
  • Analysing performances—of both their own and others performances.
  • Informed choices about healthy and active lifestyles.

What will your child be learning? 

  • Rugby League and Rugby Union
  • Hockey
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics
  • Health Related Fitness
  • Softball
  • Trampolining
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Rounders
  • Cricket
  • Badminton
  • Orienteering

Key 'Learning Capacities' in this subject 

  • Developing physical and mental capacity, through sporting activities and language for learning.
  • Making and applying decisions - strategic and tactical decisions, with skill execution. They also have the opportunity to coach and choreograph.
  • Healthy and active lifestyles.

How will your child be learning? 

  • Pair and group work
  • Individual
  • Investigation and exploration
  • Whole class discussions
  • Individual teacher and student discussions

How will learning be assessed? 

  • Question and answers
  • Formative assessment
  • Summative assessment
  • Peer assessment

What can you do to support your child? 

  • Engage conversations
  • Encourage participation
  • Ensure they have their full PE kit and correct equipment
  • Encourage joining an outside of school club

Equipment needed for this subject 

  • PE uniform

Extra-Curricular/Enrichment Opportunities 

Governor Link - Dr Isabel O'Donovan