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What is employability?
Mrs Adams, Careers and Work Related Learning Leader

There are many ways to define employability.

At Ulverston Victoria High School we define employability as, the ability to gain initial employment, maintain employment, and obtain new employment if required.

In simple terms, employability is about being capable of getting and keeping fulfilling work.

It is a combination of personal qualities, skills and subject understanding along with a focus on critical and reflective abilities that empowers students and enhances their employability. Employment is a by-product of this process.

‘To be employed is to be at risk, to be employable is to be secure.’

 - Peter Hawkins (1999)The Art of Building Windmills

 At Ulverston Victoria High School we are committed to providing every student with access to comprehensive, unbiased and impartial careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG) which aims to inspire and raise aspirations, enabling students to understand their future career and progression, to make successful choices, and enable them to manage smooth transitions on to the next stage of either learning or employment.  At key milestones throughout the students’ education we will provide support, advice and guidance to ensure informed decisions are made to help them to progress to further/higher education, apprenticeships, and the world of work.

We do this by offering a programme of employability that runs across all year groups within the school (Years 7 – 13) regardless of students’ culture and ethnicity, background or ability. All students benefit from planned events and activities that are based on student need and that help them make informed decisions in preparation for the next stages of their lives. We measure our employability programme against the Government’s statutory guidance, the Gatsby Foundation’s eight benchmarks. 

If you would like to know more about the employability programme at UVHS, or any of the work we do, please do not hesitate to contact me in school 01229 483900 Ext 6229 or