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Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

This year has seen 25 of our Y10 students working towards their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award since November. This has included weekly training meetings while also attending activities towards their physical, skill and volunteering sections.

Last weekend (Friday 7th – Saturday 8th July) 22 participants took part in their assessed expedition.  They had planned and navigated their assessed expedition from Trout Beck to Torver which involved working in groups to choose a suitable route and work out the distance and timings for each leg of their journey.

Groups worked hard to complete the expedition (while carrying full expedition kit) They made excellent time with groups meeting the 6 hours of activity time, and arriving at the campsite as planned. They cooked their planned menus as a group and behaviour on the campsite was excellent.

The weather was a mixed bag. Friday was warm but with drizzling rain which often left walkers too warm for waterproofs! Saturday was hot (not quite as hot as the practice expedition!) so pupils really worked for their drinks when they finally arrived at the Wilsons Arms in Torver. All teams navigated exceptionally well and not one team got lost! The feedback from the teams was that they preferred Friday because of the cooler weather despite the rain! Hopefully their extra hot experience on their practice expedition hasn’t but them off the sunshine for good!

The standard of the groups was so high that we have really struggled to choose our “DofE Golden Boot” award winners! We based our choice on the whole DofE experience and the final winner will be announced in Friday’s achievement assembly when all participants will receive their expedition certificates and t-shirts.

It’s not over yet though! All participants must complete their Skill, Physical and Volunteering sections and upload the details to their eDofE accounts before they will have completed their Bronze DofE Award and receive their certificates and badges.

A huge well done to all involved but please remember to update and complete your eDofE ( accounts over the summer to complete your award! We hope to welcome some of you back for the gold award in the 6th Form.

A big thank you to two of our DofE staff members who are leaving this year! Miss Clapham and Miss Bonnett, we really appreciate all your help with the award over the last few years and wish you all the best for the future!