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Ulverston Victoria High School

Ulverston Victoria
High School

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GCSE Results 2024

The staff of UVHS are delighted with this year’s GCSE results and the amazing achievements of our Year 11 cohort.

Mr Hardwick said: “As ever, I am exceptionally proud of everyone at UVHS but, once again, our yr11 cohort have astonished us with their achievements this summer.  Despite the huge upheavals experienced when they were in years 8 and 9 (especially the constant changes to the working environment both in and out of school,  they have demonstrated amazing powers of resilience and focus to successfully navigate their way to and through this season of GCSE examinations.  Today we are celebrating their amazing achievements both inside and outside the classroom, experiencing  a great balance of academic achievement alongside participation in extra-curricular activities.

Head Boy, Jaden, speaking to the Newsquest reporter and celebrating his results!

I must also credit the incredible staff here at UVHS, both teaching and non-teaching, who have (as usual) worked tirelessly with this cohort since yr7. Their dedication and selfless determination to give the students at UVHS the very

Ethan and Ewan are delighted with their results and looking forward to studying at UVHS Sixth Form.

best start to adulthood, both in terms of academic progress and social/emotional development, always amazes me and, on top of last week’s phenomenal A Level results, demonstrates that this is a true community school.

Congratulations to everyone in Year 11, not only at UVHS but throughout the Furness Peninsula and South Cumbria - we wish all our students the very best of luck in their chosen paths as they take their next steps.”

Individual successes can be seen throughout the year group – notable achievements include:

Student GCSE Grades Cambridge National Grades Notes
Harry 9999999887
Jasmyn 999999876 M2
Mariana 99999987665 Head Girl
Ewan 9999886665
Ruth 9998888887
Avalon 9998888876
Lissie 9998887776
Ethan 9998877665
Jake 9998876666
Sean 9998777776
Daniel 9988888766
Jaden 9988887765 Head Boy
Noel 9888877766
Bella 998887666 M2
Ellie 98887776 D2