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English Schools Fell Running Championships

Monday 25th September was the English Schools Fell Running Championships in Giggleswick. We had 14 students run on the day in a very competitive field.

Overall, as a school, UVHS finished 2nd in England! With the top 4 finishers totalling 19 points.

Performances of the day went to Year 7, Noah who came 2nd! He is an outstanding runner. He has a very bright future ahead of him! Theo was narrowly pipped on the line after an outstanding run, he finished 4th. Jess ran her first fell race in a year and came 2nd. Brilliant run with a strong finish!

The following results overall:

Year 7 Noah 2nd and Theo 4th, Seth 44th (in his first ever fell run!)

Year 8/9 fantastic effort from all our runners. Sam came in the quickest from UVHS placing 13th. Others running were Kyran (67th), Joseph (71st), Katelyn (30th), Noah (57th) and Florrie (37th).

Year 10/11 Oliver ran well, finishing 25th. Marina came 11th. A good performance by Ellen (17th) and Iona (26th)

Year 12/13 Jess came 2nd. She finished strong and injury free! She is frighteningly fast on her descent. Great to see her back!