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Rising Cost of Living - help & support available

 Energy providers - priority services register

boilerAll energy suppliers have a priority services register.  The Register is a free service to help people who have additional needs and is available to customers in England, Scotland and Wales. You can sign up by contacting your local network operator and energy supplier.   All energy suppliers keep their own register and by signing up it lets your supplier know you may have additional needs or require extra free support.    You may be eligible to register if you:

  • have reached state pension age
  • are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
  • are recovering from an injury
  • have a hearing or sight condition
  • have a mental health condition
  • are pregnant or have young children
  • have extra communication needs

Watch this video to find out more.  You may also be eligible for other reasons, for example if you need short-term support after being in hospital.  It’s best to contact your network operator to check. And once you have registered, it’s important to keep your supplier or network operator updated if your circumstances change.

Check if you’re eligible and contact your energy supplier.  

Help for households

There is support available to help with the cost of living.  You may be able to get additional payments to help you if you’re getting certain benefits or tax credits.

You can also find out how to save money with our energy saving tips

Visit the GOV.UK website for more information on support and help for households.

People First; Cost of Living Advice Hub

logo People First We are all feeling the effects of the cost-of-living crisis, and it can be a challenging and difficult time, leaving you not knowing where to turn to for help.  Carlisle People First have complied a useful list of support services and contact details that you may need. This information hub will be updated on a regular basis and includes local and national helplines and where you can get support including help with accessing food and warm spots in Cumbria.

Cold to Cosy Homes Cumbria

logo Cold to CosyAre you struggling with high heating bills or a cold home? As energy prices hit an all-time high, there are people all across Cumbria worrying about how they are going to afford to keep their homes warm this winter.

Cold to Cosy Homes Cumbria is here to offer FREE energy saving advice and equipment to help you make your home warmer and more comfortable.

The Cold to Cosy Homes team has already helped hundreds of households to save money on their heating bills as well as do their bit for the planet by using less energy.

You or someone you know could benefit from a FREE advice phone call from a qualified assessor, who will advise you on the services you could benefit from.


Cost of living booklet - Cumbria County Council

pic of Cllr BellCumbria County Council have produced and delivered a booklet to all homes in Cumbria to provide local information.

 A message from Patricia Bell, Cumbria’s Cabinet Member for Health and Care Services.  

“With the cost of living on the rise, I urge anyone in Cumbria who is struggling, whether that’s emotionally, financially or just because you need practical help, to get in touch and seek support.  It can be daunting to search through what is on offer and to find what you need. This booklet provides local information for Cumbrian residents on a range of helpful topics.  You might feel worried or find yourself in a position you have never experienced before, but please don’t wait for problems to get worse, there are many local organisations that can help.”  

Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills

logo Citizens Advice


You can get help if you’re struggling to afford your energy bills or top up your prepayment meter. You might be able to take advantage of certain benefits, grants and help offered by the government and energy suppliers.  The Citizens Advice website provides information about the help and schemes available. Click here to find out more. 

Your questions about the energy crisis, answered by the experts 

Warm Spots

warm spotsA 'Warm Spot' offers a warm, welcoming space for people to visit this winter if they need it. They are run by a range of different organisations including churches, village halls, local councils and libraries.

All Warm Spots have their own opening days and times and the services available vary.

 Winter has arrived and so if you need help staying warm, visit

There are hundreds of spots across Cumbria. They are free, friendly and you won’t be judged.  

Get in touch!

For more information please contact us:
Twitter: @cumbriasab