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Awesome GCSE Results 2022

The staff of UVHS are delighted with this year’s GCSE results and the amazing achievements of our Year 11 cohort.

Headteacher, Matthew Hardwick, said: “We are delighted that the school is again seeing such a great set of GCSE results from our fantastic students here at UVHS.  Despite everything they have had to cope with, children across the ability range have made excellent progress with many examples of high achievement.  The students who open their results today will go on to do great things and I would personally like to congratulate all of them on their achievements, as well as thanking my dedicated staff (both teaching and support) for their unwavering dedication, hard work and commitment to the students at the school, not forgetting the amazing parental support that so many have needed over the last 30 months. With all the pressures that our students have felt themselves under, the UVHS community has once again risen to the challenge.  Congratulations to everyone in Year 11, not only at UVHS but throughout the Furness Peninsula and South Cumbria - we wish all our students the very best of luck in their chosen paths as they take their next steps.”

Individual successes can be seen throughout the year group – notable achievements include:






9999997  D*2








99999876  D*2




99999876  D2




9999887  D*2  D2

Rhiannon (999999888) will be celebrating her fantastic set of results by going to SolFest tomorrow - “I’m quite happy with the grades and mostly very proud. I’ve worked really hard since January, revising every day and am really happy with a 9 in Geography and an 8 in Spanish – I was on 7s with both those subjects on the run up to the exams. I’m so happy to be staying at UVHS for yr12 to study Maths, Further Maths, Physics & Chemistry."
Lucy (999999997) was almost speechless when she opened her results – “I’m really surprised! Especially with English – I got a 9 but only expected a 7!!  I am so proud of all my results – I’ve worked really hard throughout yr11 and had been worried about having missed so much due to the Covid lockdowns. I really didn’t expect this. I’m now looking forward to studying  A Levels here at UVHS – Maths, History & Psychology, before going to university to study Law.”


Joe (999998877) said that he was “really relieved” when he opened his results – “I am so proud of what I’ve got; 99 in Combined Science is unreal, as well as a 7 in Maths – I thought I’d get a 5. I’m now really looking forward to staying here at UVHS to study Law, Business Studies and History.”


Bethany (999999887) said that she revised hard over Christmas for the mock exams in January and had then carried on revising, but only in chunks, since then. “I’m very, very pleased – especially with Chemistry where I’d expected a 7 but got a 9. I want a career in Music so am definitely staying here at UVHS for sixth form as it has the best music department in the region. I’m really looking forward to studying what I enjoy most – Music, English Language and Beliefs, Philosophy & Ethics.”


Adam (99998887) was really surprised when he opened his results – “Wow! I am so relieved and happy with these. Really surprised to get an 8 in English and German – I’d expected a 5 in English and, to be honest, thought I’d failed German! I’ve worked really hard for these and am now looking forward to studying Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Computer Science in yr12 here at UVHS.”


Niya (9999887 D*2 D2) was very overwhelmed and speechless upon seeing her results.  “It just hasn’t registered yet… I need time for this to sink in. I want a career in Art & Design and am really looking forward to going to Kendal College next month to study that.  I’m most surprised with my 99 in Combined Science but am also really relieved to get a 9 in Art.”


“I feel really good. Shocked… but really good,” said Anna (9999998888), who will be staying at UVHS in yr12 to study Maths, Music, Art & French.  “I had expected some 7s or 6s but am so proud of 9s in all three of my Science subjects – I really thought I would get 7s.  I’m really looking forward to yr12 here at UVHS and after that, who knows?”


“I’m delighted with these results,” said Dan (999999987), who will be staying at UVHS to study Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Law. “I’ve worked really hard since the mocks in January and am really proud of my 8 in English and 7 in German.  After A Levels I want to go on to study economics at university.”


Lily (9999997 D*2) was in a rush to catch a train to London as she is moving there this week and needed to enrol (with her results) today at Kings Maths School. “I am so relieved to get this set of results – it is what I thought I might get but it is still a relief.  I will be studying Maths, Further Maths and Physics at Kings but don’t really know after that.”  With that, she ran for her train.


Macy (99999876 D*2) had expected to fail English but achieved a 6 & 7   - “I’m shocked… really shocked!  I worked so hard since the January mocks and am so proud; I really didn’t think I’d done well at all.  My biggest achievement is 9s in Maths and Physics which I want to study at A Level alongside Chemistry – and I’m definitely staying here at UVHS to do that!”