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Table Tennis

Table Tennis Club is something of an institution at UVHS having been around for many, many years.

One of the oldest clubs at school is also one of the best attended with an average turn out of well over 30 students, which, given the club is on a Friday after school is pretty impressive! 

Recently, the club has gone from strength to strength, not just a flurry of new members joining, but also some new equipment thanks to Barrow & District Table Tennis League, Sport England, and Table Tennis England. Keith Dymond, the Chairperson of Barrow & District Table Tennis League got in touch with school to say they had received some funding, and along with Mr Hall, the pair have managed to acquire 6 new Table Tennis tables, one of which is Olympic standard! Along with new bats and balls, UVHS Table Tennis club can now have 10 games being played at once. Not only this, but Keith has been inspiring the UVHS students with some coaching sessions, and some new mini-games and tournaments which have really helped develop skill and knowledge of the game.  

Keith said: “We are pleased to support UVHS with equipment and look forward to introducing many more of their pupils to table tennis. The enthusiasm shown so far has been very encouraging and with us providing regular coaching we look forward to many of them progressing and playing competitively in the future. This is exactly what the Sport England grant we have been awarded is for and any other schools or community halls interested in finding out more should email

Table Tennis runs on Fridays after school from 3:30-4:30 in the gym. New members are welcome to come and join us, and anyone wanting to play competitively can see Mr Hall for details of local clubs to join.