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NHS Allied Healthcare Work Experience - 3rd October

Health Education England has recently completed a discovery report on virtual work experience programmes, that have concluded that these programmes are a valuable adjunct to in-person work experience, especially in our current climate where in-person experiences are extremely limited.

The NHS Allied Healthcare Work Experience successfully invited 12,000 students to participate in the last academic year, making it the largest programme for students who are specifically interested in the following careers: Nursing, Midwifery, Paramedicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Dietetics, Radiography, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Speech and language therapy and Pharmacy!

Applications for this programme are now open, and they will be open throughout this academic year, with the first programme taking place on the 3rd October!

During the work experience day, students will follow 2 patients from their initial presentation to recovery. Students will observe the healthcare professionals as they interact with the patients and each other. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions and gain knowledge through teaching. This will help students to make an informed career decision as well as learn about how healthcare professionals work together as part of a multidisciplinary team.

Each work experience day is completely different and students will be able to build on their knowledge of NHS careers as they see different patient cases and healthcare professionals work in a variety of settings, such as hospital and community.

Students will also receive certificates as evidence of having participated in the work experience programme. Those that complete the entire 6-month programme will be awarded with Highly Commended References too. Students can register individually through the website link below.

Places are £10 a day to cover administrative costs and run the tech on the day. For more information, click here: