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UVHS Wins National Award

The Health & Safety Team at UVHS were both surprised and delighted on Thursday to be informed that they have won the National School Safety Award, presented by the Education Business Awards. 

The year’s award is “Presented to the school which has provided an effective and timely response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic in order to minimise the risk to staff and parents”. UVHS was one of 5 finalists for the award and was considered alongside other schools from Bradford, the West Midlands and Hampshire

The award comes after the EBA looked into how UVHS managed the mass Lateral Flow Surge Testing that all secondary schools were instructed to undertake as students returned to face-to-face learning in March, following the lockdown.

H&S Manager, Emma Dyson, said “This has come as a complete shock!  We had no idea that these awards were taking place, let alone that someone had nominated us.

“There are so many people that contributed to us carrying out over 4500 tests over 9 days: the strategy for our delivery of the tests was devised by Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Desbottes, and Assistant Headteacher, Mr Nayler, but then involved a team including over 70 community volunteers coming in over the 9 days to support the UVHS staff (including teachers, IT support, lab technicians, learning mentors and the school nurse).  It was just amazing to see how well such a massive undertaking took place so smoothly and became a real community project.”

Mrs Desbottes said “This award is not just for the school or about the school, it recognises the magnificent Ulverston Community and how, when our backs are against the wall, everyone comes together.  We have all seen that this has also been demonstrated by the amazing Ulverston Resilience Group and the superb effort that everyone has made in both the incredibly successful vaccine rollout in this region and the support given to individuals and families during the Covid lockdowns.”