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The Guardian - On the hunt for young nature lovers

Are you aged between 8 and 14?

Do you love nature or have you experienced something amazing outside? 

Could you write a short piece about it?

Why not take part in The Guardian’s Young Country Diary Column! The Country Diary has been running every week for 115 years, making it the oldest newspaper column in the world. The Guardian are now asking young writers to contribute to this column every month. So why not get out in the garden, park, beach, forest or any outdoor space and share your experience?

What Do You Have To Do?

Step 1

Go out one day to where there is some nature. It could be your local woods or beach, your nearest park, a farm, or it could simply be a garden.

Step 2

Write an article explaining where you were and what happened. The article needs to be between 150 and 200 words. If you want to send photos too (taken by anyone), that’s great, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t.

Step 3

Paste your piece into here, checking that you have parental permission. 

The closing date is the 17th May 2021!

Want some inspiration on what to write about? Why not check out some current diary column logs?

1. Ginge the pig gives birth to 10 piglets!
2. What happens when you come face to face with a deer?
3. How do you feel when you find a bird feather?

Don't forget to share your progress on Teams!