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Dyslexia Awareness Week 5th - 11th Oct

This is an annual event aimed at further understanding and raising awareness amongst our students about dyslexia, what it means, what it is and what can be done to support people who have dyslexia.

Britain’s favourite foodie, Jamie Oliver, is dyslexic. Rather than see this as a negative, Jamie is proud of his dyslexia.

He believes this enables him to see the world from a different perspective. Dyslexia has not held him back.

50% of people with dyslexia are left-handed, whereas only 11% of the total UK population are left-handed.

The most common cause of dyslexia is genetics and the way the brain neurologically develops.

The School Library has many books published on dyslexia friendly paper as well as books that help to understand and support the difficulties associated with this condition. To see which books we have available in this range, please see the Dyslexia Friendly Book Bubble.