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The next #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack is now available for you to download, containing new activities for parents and carers to use at home.

No doubt over the past few months you've heard children (and maybe a few adults) talk about the latest Tik Tok challenges or their favourite celebrity's lockdown live stream.

This week your activity pack for parents and carers to deliver to their children explores how children and young people can stay safe while live streaming: 

For ages 4-5

For ages 5-7

For ages 8-10

For ages 11-13

For ages 14+

Live streaming: a video guide for parents and carers

Helping parents and carers to understand why children and young people enjoy live streaming platforms and what they can do to help keep them safe whilst using them by sharing our new video guide. 

Tik Tok: a guide for parents

A new Parent Info article explores how Tik Tok works, the parental controls available, and how they can help their child to stay safer on the platform.