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UVHS Musicians - VE Day

Every Thursday evening since Lockdown began, UVHS musicians have shown their appreciation of the NHS and carers not only by clapping from their doorsteps, along with the nation, but also by playing arrangements of various pieces of music (either as solos, duets or trios) to entertain their local communities. 

Mr Butler publishes the parts every Tuesday evening, giving students 48 hours to learn the new piece – he has also performed each arrangement with his two oldest children, Tabi and Oscar, each week.

As well as this, on Friday 8th May – VE Day – our musicians stood to attention at 11am and played The Last Post followed by Reveille to mark the national 2 minutes silence to honour all of those who had fallen in WWII.

If you would like to see the photos accompanied by Mr Butler playing the Last Post, click here. 

Please note, all of the musicians observed social distancing and performed within family groups.