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The 2.6 Challenge

As the London Marathon was cancelled this year, people across the globe are attempting a 2.6 challenge instead.

The 2.6 Challenge can be any activity you like – from running 2.6 miles to holding the plank for 26 seconds, 26 burpees to 26 keepie uppies it is up to you! This video explains what the challenge is and what you can do to complete it.

Miss Bird is walking 26 miles in 26 days. Mr Quint has done 26 keepie uppies on his cricket bat and Miss McKenny is doing a 26 day fitness challenge. 

Students have been sending in photos of themselves completing their own challenges, some of which have included wearing 26 items of clothing while holding the plank for 26 seconds!

If you would like to get involved please email Miss Bird a picture or video of your 2.6 challenge.

Click here to see the full gallery of the 2.6 challenges our students and teachers have already done!