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School Closure Notice

Unfortunately UVHS is currently closed to most pupils, although those of key workers have returned on 1st June. Please see the letter below for parents requiring childcare.

The government has stated their intention to open schools for some face to face contact for Year 10 and Year 12 students this term. The letter below details how this will proceed from Monday 15th June with a partial reopening for the last five weeks of the school year. Option block subjects are in school on different days and a document below lists the options in each year group with the teacher for each class.

A mixture of live and pre-recorded online lessons are now being made available to students in all year groups through Microsoft Teams. Timetables have been set up to avoid clashes between subjects and they are available using the links below. Teachers are also in school for one or two days a week to support Year 10, Year 12 and the children of keyworkers so temporary changes to the timetables may be necessary.

We will continue to update the school website when further information is available.

Please see the original letter from Cumbria County Council below.

Please see the 'UVHS Online Student Support' presentation for how we intend to support the students during this time. 

If you are a parent or a guardian and you need to urgently get in contact with the school, please email and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.