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British Schools Championships

Last Saturday morning we set off to sunny Slough to attend the British Schools Championships. 

Last years success was always going to be a tough act to follow, but with a much smaller team this year it was going to be even harder. Then a number of the team were hit by the sickness bug so our challenge was made harder still. 

We arrived at the park adjacent to where the competition was being held on Saturday

afternoon in time for a quick training session/stretch of the legs. The coaches supplied a number of spot prizes of large bars of chocolate - always a good incentive for us finely tuned athletes!! It was also a chance to suss out the type of terrain we would be competing in on the Sunday. Then it was off to the outdoor centre where we were stopping for the night. 

Sunday morning we were up bright and early raring to go, ready to do UVHS proud. We had a mixture of results....some good, some ok and some not so good, but as a team we always support and encourage each other, celebrate people’s successes and commiserate and encourage those that didn’t do as well as they had hoped.

We had 9 individual podium positions and the podium sunglasses made it onto the podium at least 7 times.


Yr 9 girls

2nd - Jess

Yr 10 girls

3rd - Rebecca

Yr 10 Boys

3rd - Dylan

Yr 11 girls

3rd - Gillian (Yr10 but ran a Yr higher)

Yr 12 Girls

3rd - Lucy 

Yr 12 Boys

3rd - Harry

Yr 13 Girls

3rd - Harriet

We had a couple of team wins: 

Yr 10 Girls

Rebecca, Emily and Laura.

Yr 11 Girls

Lizzie, Gillian and Verity.

Yr 9 Boys came 3rd

Nathan, Noah and Luke.

As a school team we came 3rd overall, which was a good result considering our lack of team members. But we will come back better and stronger next year 

Thanks to Isabel, Sandy, John and Iain for organising and accompanying the trip.