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The Big UVHS Festive Food Bank Collection

We are delighted to announce that UVHS will be supporting the local Food Bank drive again this Christmas.

The Food Bank staff have asked UVHS again if we would help create Christmas Family Hampers to help with their efforts over the festive period. With all the fun and indulgence of Christmas, it can sometimes seem a world away for us to imagine having nothing to eat or no heating on the big day - but with three of the wards in the Barrow community alone in the top 3% of the most deprived communities nationally; we must remember that there are people on our doorsteps sometimes silently suffering.

We are asking for the students in each form to donate an item from one of our shopping lists. These items will then be collected together and added to a decorative box with a Christmas label.

The deadline for the donations is on the 12th of December (this gives us a chance to get everything checked over, safely stored and ready for collection at 9am on Friday the 13th of December)

For more information, please contact Mrs Ford.