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Y9 Battlefields Trip- Day 3

Vimy Ridge War Memorial

'Visiting Vimy Ridge War Memorial was one of the most emotionally moving and touching experiences I have had in my life. To know that thousands of brave Canadian soldiers laid down their lives exactly where I was standing is truly inspiring. 

We began by exploring the tunnels and trenches used by the Canadian soldiers during the battle of Vimy Ridge in April 1917; there were hundreds of metres of hand dug tunnels and in places they were just 30 meters from enemy lines. The tunnels, which in places were 8 meters deep underground, were dug out of soft chalk.  It was a truly awe inspiring experience.

Finally after making our way through the maze of tunnels and trenches we made our way up to the memorial and the pure size of this incredible statue blows the mind and is a wonderful legacy to these incredible men.' - Nathan