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Y9 Battlefields Trip - Day 2

Menin Gate

'I was lucky enough to be drawn out of a hat to lay the wreath at the Menin Gate Memorial Ceremony on behalf of our school. Two weeks later we were there. Stood silently. I could feel my legs shaking and teeth chattering. As the ceremony started, people began making their way to the wreath laying parade. Several minutes in, it was our turn. I was very nervous. Walking up to the stand where we laid our wreath, I felt everyone staring. They still stared as we stepped back, gently bowed our heads to the wreath and turned to walk to our original spot.

I was very proud that I did it and it made us think of the sacrifices the soldiers made for us.' - Jess

'The silence was immense. I felt like every set of eyes were on me as I walked up the stairs. But then I realised how important this moment was and did my very best to keep as calm as possible.

I will likely never forget that moment, because I have never felt so proud and yet so nervous at the same time. I didn’t know quite how to feel afterwards. All I knew was this; these brave men deserve our respect.' - David