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Gold Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

In the last week of the summer term Mr Gannon, Mr Reader and Mrs Anderson took 16 Year 12 Students on their Gold DofE assessment in the Cairngorms.

They challenged themselves and walked unsupported for 4 days with full kit, food and water, camping in wild country, sometimes 20km from a road. 

Some of these students had never been in a tent before this year, but we were 100% successful with all passing the expedition section with flying colours.

The DofE Assessors were most complementary about the groups, commenting on their organisation, communication, leadership, ability to solve problems and to work as a team. Their skill level was noted and we were praised for the training the students had clearly undergone over the last year.

Here are some statistics from the expedition: (Totals of all individuals and all groups)

Distance walked = 1,193.9km…That’s about 1.3 times the distance between Ulverston and Paris.
Height gained = 24,622m….That is about 2.8 times the height of Everest!

These students did amazingly well as they did much more than simply climb a mountain and we are all very very proud of them.