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Ulverston Scholarship Recipients

The Ulverston Scholarship is a new award for UVHS students, funded by the Snowdon Trust, to provide financial assistance for students during the first two years of their chosen degree programme at university.

In order to apply for one of the three scholarships available each year, students a required to fill in a application form as well as write a detailed letter of application, outlining the reasons for both A Level and degree choices, preferred university destination and ‘life plans’ beyond that.

Following on from a successful A Level results day, the three students who had successfully applied for the Ulverston Scholarships were lunch guests of the Snowdon Trust at Lakeside Hotel on Monday 19th August.  As well as enjoying the amazing hospitality that the hotel offers, each of the recipients had an individual meeting with David Snowdon before receiving the first part of their £3,000 scholarship.
Congratulations to Iona (Veterinary Medicine @ Glasgow), Megan (Medicine & Surgery @ Newcastle) and Jack (History @ Loughborough), who can be seen with David Snowdon and, in the post-lunch photo, with Head of Sixth Form, Mr Rastelli.