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Y7 German Trip - Day 2

Day 2 - This morning we had a reasonably early start (half 6) to catch a cruise along the River Rhine! The views were beautiful and we waved to everyone on land. We saw a lot of churches on the way; all of the German churches have very tall spires compared to the ones in England! We all got an ice cream and some of us -including me- got a very big pretzel. It was delicious and it made me feel very German!

After an hour we got off the boat and on to the coach to head to Rudesheim. When we got there we stopped for lunch and had a water fight (much to Mrs Hewson’s dismay!)

Once we had cooled off we walked into the town centre and shopped around for a while. Most of us bought fans, bandanas and ice cream because it was 31°c! Then we went to a Siegfried’s Musikkabinett where there were loads of amazing mechanical instruments such as a piano that plays itself! Overall, it was a really fun day! 

Briony 7.7