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Healthy Eating Week

The annual British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating Week runs from Monday 10th - Friday 14th June.

This year, over 4,770 schools (which is over 2 million pupils!) and 900,000 University students and businesses have signed up to take part - and so have we! Each day is given a theme and a challenge, and this year they are:

Monday = Have breakfast
Have breakfast every day – go for wholegrain or higher fibre foods, include a drink and at least one of your 5 A DAY!

Tuesday = Get active
Get active for at least 60 minutes every day – move more!

Wednesday = Sleep well 
Get the sleep you need every night – get into a good night bedtime routine!

Thursday = Drink plenty
Have at least 6-8 unsweetened drinks every day – water is a great choice!

Friday = Have 5 a day 
Have at least five portions of vegetables and fruit every day – choose a variety!

Last year was brilliant with lots of forms getting involved with the different activities every afternoon registration and enjoying their free piece of fruit on Friday.