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National Rotary Young Writer Competition 2018-2019

In March students from across KS3 and KS4 were encouraged to produce a creative piece of writing entitled ‘My Inspiration’

There were a staggering 295 entries from UVHS alone for the local heat. We are pleased to announce that Annie (Year 10) came first in the senior category with her piece about a number of people who inspire her including: Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe. Emily (Year 9) won the intermediate category with her story inspired by a photograph she took whilst walking in the mountains. Jessica (Year 8) was the runner-up in the intermediate category with her poem about her best friend. All three received a certificate and a book token. Everyone who entered received a certificate of participation.

Annie and Emily will now go through to the Cumbria and Lancashire District final. We have our fingers crossed for further success in this round.

Emily said, “I was shocked when I discovered I’d won the competition. I didn’t really think I was any good at writing, but winning this has inspired me to write more.”

Congratulations to Annie, Emily, Jessica and all the students who participated this year.