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Restaurant UVHS

On Friday 3rd May, UVHS once again opened its doors after school to play host to the joint venture between the Aroma Catering Foundation and UVHS in creating Restaurant UVHS.

This is the third time the school restaurant has opened, and it’s fair to say this was the biggest and most successful event so far! 32 students from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 worked alongside Mr Hall (Food teacher at UVHS and the Founder of the Aroma Catering Foundation) and three special chef guests – 3 Michelin Starred Steven Doherty and Sam and Josh from Chefs Catering.

For the first time ever, Restaurant UVHS offered a stunning 6 course taster menu which included ingredients such as scallops, lemon emulsions, lamb cooked in two ways and pineapple with rum caramel! 30 guests dined in the transformed school canteen where students had arranged and decorated tables to try to make the room match the high standard of food and cooking that was displayed.

Guests seemed incredibly happy with the night, and comments included “food was beautifully presented and delicious” and “The two year 7 students who took care of our table were accomplished and rigorous in their care and service. Furthermore they engaged with us at a conversational level as well as ensuring our satisfaction. They were delightful and so confident.” 

The school restaurant offers students a glimpse into the workings of a chef and waiting team. It is an opportunity to work on and develop a wide range of skills not just with food, but with organisation, time management and team work. The students worked incredibly hard, and it was noted multiple times just how much of an asset they are to the school.

Restaurant UVHS will return in the new academic year. In the meantime, keep up to date with everything Aroma is doing, including the opening of applications for financial support by checking out their website You could also visit the Chefs Catering website who are doing some incredible work in Morecambe and Lancaster