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Year 5 Taster Days

Whilst our own Year 10 students were out of school on Work Experience we opened the door to Year 5 pupils from fifteen different primary schools.

Over three hundred 9 and 10 year olds came to see what life was like for a Year 7 student at UVHS, enjoying a full day of contrasting lessons and spending lunchtime with us. Not only were all of the pupils a credit to their own schools with their enthusiasm, achievement and behaviour, but they all left wanting more!

Comments included:

“This has been the best day of my life!”

“I love this school – I hope I can get a place here…”

“I love it here, please could I stay?”

All of the staff involved in the week delivered amazing lessons which obviously captivated all of the Year 5s and allowed them to start thinking about their choices (which have to be made in September/October).