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Healthy Active Lifestyle Term

During January and February the PE Department are running a Healthy Active Lifestyle Term.

The aim is to promote alternative methods of exercise that students can use after they leave school and possibly the chance to continue with traditional team sports.  During the this half term all lessons in PE will be fitness based. 

At the end of the 6 weeks students will do a 'Race for Life', completing 5km and raising money for cancer research. All students in Y7, 8, 9 and 10 will participate and Y11 pupils will be given it as an option.

There will also be a Fittest Form Competition, where students will be encouraged to take part and complete a tracker sheet to show what they have done each week.  The fittest form will be awarded a trophy at the end of the 6 weeks.

Please see the Exercise Bank attachment below for activities to complete at home.