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New Y13 Head Boy & Head Girl Team

UVHS is proud to announce the results of this year’s Sixth Form student leadership elections. All members of Y12 & 13 had the opportunity to hear the candidate’s election speeches during the first full week of the year, and then they went to the polls to choose the team to lead them this academic year.

The results of the election were:

Senior Head Boy: Tom (ex Dowdales Y11)

Deputy Head Boys: Dan (ex UVHS Y11) and Pascal (exchange student from Germany studying his A Levels)

Senior Head Girl: Bella (ex UVHS Y11)

Deputy Head Girls: Heather (ex Chetwynde Y11) and Ella (ex John Ruskin Y11)

Mr Rastelli, Assistant Headteacher and Director of Sixth Form, said:

“I would like to congratulate not only these six superb students who have been voted onto the Sixth Form Leadership Team by their peers, but also all the other candidates who put themselves forward for these positions as well as the entire Sixth Form for the professional and responsible way they have all conducted themselves throughout this process."

“It is also fantastic to see that the team is made up of students not only from different secondary schools, but also different countries – it really reflects the diverse and eclectic intake of UVHS Sixth Form.  I am looking forward to working with the team to make UVHS Sixth Form an even better post-16 destination for students across the region both in terms of ethos and results.  Good luck to all of them.”