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GCSE Results 2018

Ulverston Victoria High School GCSE Results

UVHS staff and students are delighted with the 2018 GCSE results. 

Acting Headteacher Matthew Hardwick said, “I would personally like to congratulate all the students, staff and parents here at UVHS for their hard work over the last 5 years, culminating in today’s nervously-awaited results. As a school, we have seen some amazing individual grades as well as some exceptional performances from subject areas. As we all know, the new GCSE exam specifications have brought much more challenge and rigour to every area of the curriculum that our students are educated in - with now a total emphasis on final exams in the majority of subjects, the pressure on both students and parents throughout the country has been immense, but the UVHS community has most certainly risen to the challenge!”

Overall UVHS has seen improvement from last year in several areas: 

  • Over 18% of students achieved at least 1 grade 9 (the much harder A*+ in old terms); 
  • 53% of students achieved at least 1 grade 9-7 (the old A-A*) compared with 46% last year;
  • Indeed, 14% of students achieved 8 or more grade 9-7 results compared with 13% last year

Our figures also show a fantastic performance from several subject areas:  

  • Science (both triple award and the now compulsory combined dual award) have recorded exceptional results across the entire cohort of Year 11s; 
  • German and Music GCSE results are outstanding with 100% of students achieving grades 9-5;
  • Health And Social Care BTEC award achieved a 100% pass rate.

Mr Hardwick went on to say - “Whatever the outcomes for students today our community must never forget that these achievements are a lot more than just the sum of pupils’ grades, and today is a celebration for individuals who have shone for all sorts of reasons. It is also always important to remember that schools should not be ‘results factories’, and at UVHS we have endeavoured to prepare each and every one of our students as much as possible for their future lives – the majority of our students and staff have shown unbelievable levels of drive in providing/enjoying a huge range of extra-curricular provision. 

“We are extremely proud of the overall outcomes for the year group and absolutely delighted with many individual performances. Today’s results are a reflection of the immense dedication, commitment and sheer hard work that has been put in by both students and staff alike of our fantastic school, as well as the phenomenal support of our parental body. We wish our young adults all the very best of luck in their chosen paths as they continue to create their own life stories.”

Individual successes can be seen throughout the year group – notable achievements include:

Chris 99999987 as well as an A* and a short course 8
Maria 999999887 as well as a short course 9 
Emilie 99999987 as well as an A* and a short course 8 
George 99999888 as well as an A and a short course 6 
Adi 99999877 as well as a short course 7 
Amelia 999988888 as well as a short course 8 
Tallulah 999988887 as well as a short course 7
Starr 99998765 as well as an A* and a short course 7 
Hal 9999776 as well as an A and a short course 6 

Mr R Butler MBE
Assistant Headteacher