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Sports Day Round Up

Sports Day this year was done slightly differently due to the unusually warm weather we have been experiencing. 

We ran the 1500m races on Thursday 5th July prior to the main event, and they proved to be some excellent races. Two records were broken, by Olesia in Y8 with a time of 5m 18s, and Edward in Y7 with a time of 5m 21s.




On Monday 9th July, we ran our sports day and the students were fantastic, both those competing and those supporting from the side. The weather was warm, yet athletes still ran superbly well, with some outstanding individual performances. James (Y9), Louis (Y8), Braden and Rhiannon (Y7) and Annabel (Y10) all winning all 3 of their races.  Olesia also equalled the 800m record that has been held since 1983! The Y8 Boys relay race was a very fast race, with the winners, Thirlmere, finishing just 0.1s behind the record of 55.6s.








With an ice cream in hand, the spectators were fantastic cheering their houses on with encouraging commentary from Mr Butler. The winning house will be announced and individual trophies will be presented in Prizegiving assemblies on the last day of term. Well done to all involved.





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