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Healthy Eating Week

The 11th - 15th June 2018 marked the British Nutrition Foundations Annual Healthy Eating Week - and UVHS could not wait to take part!

A challenge was given to each day:

  • Monday - Eat breakfast
  • Tuesday - Move more
  • Wednesday - Drink plenty
  • Thursday - Make a change
  • Friday - Eat 5 a day 

We had a fantastic selection of activities going on during the week including:

  • A Fortnite dance off 
  • Hydration student in the Art and DT building for students to come and add fresh mint leaves to naturally infuse their water 
  • Pledges to make a change to our health one little step at a time 
  • Kahoot! quizzes
  • "Beat the teacher" with forms trying to get 5 hoops in a row 

One of the biggest highlights of the week was having all Y7 - 10 students on the school field eating 1 of their 5 a day. 






The fruit was kindly donated by business' in Ulverston. A special thank you must go out to Tesco for donating black grapes, Brocklebanks for donating red and green grapes, and Booths for really promoting variety to nearly 900 students and staff by donating flat-bottomed peaches, cherries, strawberries and apples. We were blown away by the generosity business' have to our fantastic school, and there was not one item left - a fantastic way to end Healthy Eating Week!




Special thanks to Mrs Brooks for organising and collecting the fruit, all the staff who helped throughout the week promoting the activities, and our fantastic students!