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Y7 BAE Submarine Challenge

Thursday 17th May some of our Y7s welcomed BAE Systems into their Science lesson.  

BAE Systems came into school and delivered a science lesson on submarines that demonstrated how our science lessons on forces and buoyancy, applied to the real world of work.











First, we looked at a PowerPoint about how submarines dive and surface, our topic for the lesson. We then had to build submarines capable of diving, picking up bolts using magnets and then surfacing. We had to write and draw a design and show how we had financed our projects.




I learnt lots about submarines and how our science lessons are relevant in submarine building, including ways in which tanks are used to make the submarine dive, surface, and keep it trim. I also learnt that the emperor penguin can dive deeper than the submarines made at BAE. There was also information about the wider engineering industry.

The lesson was enjoyable. I would already have considered a career in engineering, but this made me even surer.

 - Dan, Y7 student.