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Mr Butler MBE

Our very own Mr Butler (Head of Performing Arts and Assistant Head Teacher) has recently been awarded the MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for his contribution to music education on both a regional and national scale – we, of course, have enjoyed what he has been doing at UVHS for over 20 years.

When he received his special letter in the post back in December 2017, he said it was a huge surprise.

In March 2018, Mr Butler travelled down to London with his eldest daughter,Tabi, to be presented his award by Prince William at Buckingham Palace.  During the ceremony, Mr Butler had a good chat with the Prince who opened with “So you’re the performing arts man!”  The Prince told Mr Butler how much he enjoys the performing arts and they spoke about music education in general as well as the ground-breaking work that UVHS students are doing with the Royal Marines Band.

We are very proud of Mr Butler who was quoted in the Evening Mail "This award is not for me. It is in recognition of all the hard work of my amazing students and the staff, management and parents at school who support the performing arts and allow me to do what I do.”