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UVHS Science Fair

On the 15th March the school cloister was transformed into the UVHS Science Fair.

Students in Y7, 8 and 9 had the opportunity to exhibit a science project of their choice. They worked hard on preparing these through the winter months and were able to proudly show off their work to other members of the school.

The event was a great success. Many students and teachers came to look around the Science Fair and question the participants about their work.

Visitors from Siemens, ARUP, Lancaster University and GSK were also present, exhibiting a range of interactive displays, including virtual reality headsets and Minecraft simulations.  

There were many excellent projects and the competition was difficult to judge but eventually, prizes were awarded to the following students;

First prize: Dan 7.4
Second prize: Katie 7.6







Third prize:  Anna and Jessica 7.2

Well done to everyone who took part!