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Christmas Fair

The UVHS School Parliament are pleased to announce that the Christmas Fayre held on 12th December 2017 was a huge success, raising over £1,610 for charity!

We had a wide range of seasonal stalls available from cakes and drinks, homemade Christmas tree decorations, Christmas wrapping tags, face painting, jams and fudge, to games like treasure hunts, tombolas, reindeer hoopla. The school cloister felt very festive with music from the UVHS brass band and later the Christmas DJ! Thank you to all parents, students, families and teachers who came along to support the fayre, we hope you enjoyed the evening!

The biggest thanks has to go to the volunteer students and teachers who were so creative in the design of their stalls, coming up with ideas to make money for charity and cheerfully staffing the stalls all evening. The proceeds will now be divided between the Josh West Foundation, Cancer Research UK and school funds.

Merry Christmas from the UVHS School Parliament!

For a more extensive selection of photographs please see 1718 Photo Galleries - Christmas Fair