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Restaurant UVHS

Aroma Catering (a charity founded by Mr Hall) created Restaurant UVHS on Friday 10th November.

UPDATE:  Students Jamie, Niamh and Mr Hall were interviewed by Radio Cumbria - to listen to the interview please click INTERVIEW which is available for 30 days from 20th November.

A four course menu was prepared for staff and governors and the evening run by food students from Y8, 9, 10 and 11.

This event was not only an opportunity for staff and governors to get together to celebrate our wonderful school spirit, but also for students to show off and demonstrate their practical cookery skills.


The small dining room was transformed into a restaurant with guests being treated to some unusual food flavours and combinations.  Please see the menu below.

All the photos were taken by Eden Y13 who does a fantastic job helping me out at many foodie events in school and gives up a lot of her time to take photographs and editing students work.

For a more extensive selection of photographs please see 1718 Photo Gallery

To keep up to date with her pictures, see her Instagram page – Eden_photos1999