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  • 22/08/24

    GCSE Results 2024

    The staff of UVHS are delighted with this year’s GCSE results and the amazing achievements of our Year 11 cohort.
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  • 15/08/24

    A Level Results 2024

    UVHS would like to congratulate all of our students collecting their A Level today, and as a school we are celebrating another superb set of results at A Level. We are SO proud of all of their achievements and hope that they realise what an astounding success they have been as a cohort.
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  • 18/07/24

    UVHS Celebrates Gold Democracy Award & Make Your Mark Results ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Earlier this year, UVHS students from Y7-Y13 took part in the Make Your Mark Ballot 2024.
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  • 12/07/24

    UVHS General Election

    UVHS students and staff took part in a fantastic parallel election on the 4th July to coincide with the live General Election. 
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  • 08/07/24

    Gold Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

    Year 12 Gold Duke of Edinburgh group successfully completes practice expedition.
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  • 12/06/24

    Furness Schools in the Cumbria County Athletics Championships

    On Saturday 8th June, 29 students from UVHS were selected to represent Furness Schools in the Cumbria County Athletics Championships at Sheepmount Stadium, Carlisle.
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  • 12/06/24

    Healthy Eating Week

    The British Nutrition Foundation hosts an annual Healthy Eating Week across the country, and UVHS, as always, has taken part in the festivities this week!
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  • 12/06/24

    Pride Month

    Pride month is globally celebrated in June every year, and is an opportunity to educate, celebrate and commemorate those in the LGBTQIA+ community, and the developments that have happened historically.
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  • 06/06/24

    County Athletics Championships

    On Saturday 8th June, 33 of our students from years 8-13 will be competing at the County Athletics Championships in Carlisle.
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  • 03/06/24

    UVHS Summer Concert

    And here it is - the musical event of the year for UVHS!!!
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  • 03/06/24

    UVHS Dance Show

    This will be SPECTACULAR!!!! If you haven't seen a UVHS Dance Show before then you have really missed out and must get to this - if you have been before, we already know you will be back!
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