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The Anti-Bullying Collection

‘Pulling Someone Down Will Never Help You Reach the Top’

This week is Anti Bullying Week and a very good website for Students, Parents and Carers can be found at For more information about Anti-Bullying Week, click here. 

We also have resources in the Library available to borrow and some of these are highlighted below. 

‘You Never Look Good Trying to Make Someone Look Bad’

Bullies, Bigmouths & So-called Friends by J. Alexander 

‘You know the types…

BULLIES push you around.

BIGMOUTHS make sarcastic comments about you.

SO-CALLED FRIENDS turn their backs on you without saying why.

You can end up feeling like a loser. But you don’t have to. You just need to build up your defences, so the bullies can’t get to you. This book shows you how.'

Stick Up for Yourself: Every kid’s guide to personal power and positive self-esteem by Gershen Kaufman, Ph.D. and Lev Raphael, Ph.D. 

‘Have you ever been picked on at school, bossed around, blamed for things you didn’t do, or treated unfairly? Do you sometimes feel frustrated, angry, powerless, and scared? Do you wish you could stick up for yourself, but you don’t know how?

This book can help. In simple words and real-life examples, it shows you how to stick up for yourself with other kids (including bullies and teasers), big sisters and brothers, even parents and teachers. It tells you things you can say without putting people down, and things you can do without getting into trouble. You’ll feel better about yourself, stronger inside, and more in charge of your life.’ 

It Happened to Me: Bullied interviews by Angela Neustatter and Anastasia Gonis 

‘Read these real interviews with young people who have been bullied. Share their experiences as they tell their different stories. Each interview explores how and why the bullying happened, and the effect it had. Every individual has a very different story, which is revealed in a sympathetic and non-sensational way.’ 

Issues: Cyberbullying 

‘Cyberbullying is sadly on the rise, particularly among young people. One in four people in the UK (23%) say they have experienced some sort of cyberbullying. It can happen to anyone at any time and usually takes place though social media platforms, but also through online gaming, text messaging and websites. This book looks at the different types of cyberbullying, the impact it has on the victims and considers different methods of tackling this problem.’

It’s Your Health: Self-esteem by Jillian Powell 

‘Finding out how to lead a healthy and happy life can be confusing, daunting or sometimes even embarrassing. This straightforward series gives you all the facts so that you can make informed choices for yourself.’ 

 To borrow any of these books, please email your request to Mrs Downing or complete this online form.