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6th Form Iceland Trip - Day 3

Day Three

Our final day in Iceland day started with a trip to the Lava centre, this was an interactive experience where we explored the recent eruptions and volcanic activity that shaped Iceland. We then took a trip to Seljalandfoss waterfall which was hugely impressive with cave systems and frozen sections. After this the weather took a dramatic turn and we felt the full force of the Atlantic, we made a very short visit to the basalt columns at Reynishverfi beach before taking refuge for our lunch in Vik. The weather changed very quickly again and by the time we visited the snout of Solheimajokull glacier we had sunshine and blue skies. We also learnt about the dramatic retreat of the glacier as a result of climate change. Our final visit of Day 3 took us to Skogafoss waterfall where we climbed to a viewing platform and took the opportunity to get some superb pictures. It is definitely going to be a struggle to leave tomorrow!